Thursday, July 26, 2012

Basil infused Mayonaise

Now this one is a little hard to photograph so use you imagination :-)

Take a cup or two of Cains Mayonnaise dressing with Olive oil. Gather a large bunch of fresh Basil. Chop it by hand (I suppose a food processor would be fine) until it's coarsely chopped. I always take the main stem out before chopping. Add it to the mayo and mix it in thoroughly. Remember, you can't add too much much Basil in my opinion.

Let it set overnight, give it a taste the next day. If you want it stronger add more Basil and repeat the overnight process. You'll be amazed at how much Basil Mayo can absorb without changing the taste very much.

One of my favorite sandwiches to have with it is a Grilled zuchini wrap. We slice the Zuchini either in circles or length wise, marinate with Grape seed oil, Dried onion flakes, garlic and salt, pepper. Sliced and grilled on a fish basket outside on the grill. Then rolled on a tortilla with Basil mayo applied. Add lettuce, tomato's or what have you.


1 comment:

  1. sounds really wonderful! so does the zucchini wrap! the picture on the cover of the blog is so beautiful. i love what you've done with the plants near the foundation and around the corner. so special. thank you for taking such care....i love that the farm is so loved and cared for.
